AXIS has a vision of a world with less inequality and more social justice. Read about our work here.

Why quality education?

How AXIS define quality education and why we work with this

Country-regional contexts

Development in relation to the social and economic situation

Impact study

Impact study of AXIS projects implemented in Ghana bt Norsaac and RAINS

Popular engagement

Strategy for popular engagement and external communication

CISU programme

A more equal and just world through quality education and a strong civil society

Impact study

Impact study of AXIS supported projects implemented in Peru by Kallpa, Pachatusan and Tarea

Where we work

See the geographical location of our partners and projects

Empowerment of civil society

Final desk evaluation of the AXIS programme 2019-2021 supported by CISU

Impact study

Impact study of AXIS projects carried out by CETM and Pueblo Diferente